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In Celebration of Jim Huston

Do you not know that a prince and a great man has fallen this day in Israel?  2 Samuel 3:38

James W. Huston - Photo by Kristen Bons

James W. Huston – Photo by Kristen Bons

Yesterday this world lost a prince and I have lost a model.

Jim modeled everything I would ever hope to be.  First and foremost, he was a godly Christ follower.  As part of his expression of following Christ, Jim was a devoted husband, father and grandfather, extraordinarily talented advocate and lawyer, and church worship leader and elder.  He presided over the board of his children’s private school.  He was a patriot and scholar of American history especially of World War II.  Jim loved his country and served it well.  A Top Gun graduate and Naval Flight Officer, he continued for years in the reserves.  Oh and by the way, Jim dictated bestselling, meticulously researched novels, thoroughly historical and technically accurate, while commuting to his office.  And then there was his blog.

Jim’s command of doing so many things well all the time set an overwhelmingly high bar to follow.  But his exemplary life was not demoralizing.  It was pure inspiration.

Jim’s command at living well did not make him aloof; far from it.  He was everyone’s best friend.  He had a constant infectious grin, and wit that was razor sharp but never cutting or mean spirited.  I never quite knew what he was going to say next but it always advanced the conversation ten paces.

I had the pleasure and privilege of learning to practice law from Jim as one of many wonderful mentors.  Jim had an open handed participative style with everyone on his teams.  Though succeeding in the cutthroat world of high stakes litigation, Jim never let the intensity overpower the value of the human beings around him, or the legitimate objectives of his clients.  His work product and analysis were brilliant.  His style was personable and warm.  No staff member or young associate was ever treated as anything other than important and as a trusted friend.

In one case, the opponents were particularly ruthless and, frankly, evil.  Jim was drafted to step into that fray as an advocate.  He had exactly the right combination of expert tactics, calm resolve and decency to bring the matter to a just and right conclusion.

To this well lived life was added cancer, at far too young of an age.  There again, Jim prevailed over all expectations.  In addition to Jim’s many accomplishments and relationships were now exposed his grace and dignity in confronting a horrible disease.  The illness was unfair, including to the many in Jim’s circle who had to witness the battle and lose this model and hero too soon from this life.

Jim’s hope was eternal, no doubt the source of his indomitable courage, optimism and cheerfulness.  He will always continue as my inspiration and model, to never compromise principle or the highest standards of excellence.  He is greatly missed.
