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Why Remember?


This day in which you came out from Egypt

              Out of the house of slavery

For by a Strong Hand the LORD brought you out from this place. …

You shall tell your son on that day:

              It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.

And it shall be a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth.

For with a strong hand the LORD brought you out of Egypt. Exodus 13:3:-9


Remember the day. This day.

Not the slavery – the deliverance.

Not my victory – remember the LORD’s victory

His strong hand.

Not this place – remember coming out of this place

Tell you sons.

It is because of what the LORD did for me.

Not what I did.

A sign

On my hand

Between my eyes.

Everything I touch.

Every time I see my hand touch something. Someone.

Everyone I touch.

Every hand I shake.

There it is. A sign. A remembrance. A signal. A reminder. A connection. Remember this day, that day, of deliverance.

Between my eyes.

At the center, at the front, of my mind.

In the middle of my vision.

When someone looks at me, they see this sign first.


A sign.

A memorial. Something to trigger memory. To remember._2051 copy

That the law of the LORD may be in my mouth.

This is why I remember. So that the law of the LORD does not depart from my mouth.

If I were to forget what the LORD has done, His deliverance, His strong arm, the coming out, then I would be tempted to forget the LORD Himself, His Word, His principles, His teachings, His instruction, His Person. I would be tempted to think only of myself, my ways, my feelings, my desires and goals, my methods and plans.

So –DON’T FORGET!!!! Keep on remembering. Keep signs and reminders. Tell my “sons.”

And in remembering, keep the law of the LORD in my mouth.

Say it. Sing it. Teach it. Speak it.

And thereby,

Live it.

The point of remembering is not just to remember. It is not an end itself. It is to keep me pointed to God.

The remembering is not of that old place or circumstance. Of how bad it was. Or how good. It is not nostalgia.

It is to remember the deliverance. The salvation. The coming out. The emerging freedom. Of Who did it. Of how He did it.

_3910The remembering is to remember God, what He did.

And in remembering God and what He did, to keep prominent in my mind, actions and words, His ways.